Support for rapid analysis
Experimental product for monitoring MJO and equatorial waves for monthly forecasting of cyclonic activity and weather patterns in the southwest Indian Ocean
Target users: meteorologists, climatologists
This is a web page compiling a selection of figures for quick analysis of low frequency (seasonal) and forecast MJO, storm or tropical cyclone occurrence and weather patterns. These figures are taken from different sources.
Access to the web page (only in French for the moment)
[Warning: weekly update stop]
Illustration : Screenshot of 22 February 2022 of the PISSARO web page offering a set of analysis and forecast figures for the monitoring of the MJO for the forecasting of cyclonic activity and weather patterns in the south-west Indian Ocean on a monthly scale.

The experimental activity of monitoring MJO and equatorial waves carried out for several years at the DIROI (to be discovered here) has made it possible to identify a set of figures that allow a quick analysis of the forecast of cyclonic activity and weather patterns in the south-west Indian Ocean. These figures have been compiled on this web page which is updated on a weekly basis. The human expertise of a qualified user will allow to extract the relevant information and to nuance the forecasts from the numerical models to propose an informed forecast of the cyclonic activity and weather patterns for the next 4 weeks.
This web page is being tested with a target audience (forecasters) and will be improved following feedback at the end of the hurricane season.