The 2020-2021 season

The continuity of the reflection and experimentation work on monthly forecasting in the south-west Indian Ocean initiated by DIROI, CNRM and ENM since 2018 was ensured this season with the participation of the PISSARO project in an upstream research approach.

The monthly annotated briefings are available by clicking below (in restricted access to participants):

Briefing n°1 (December 2020)
Briefing n°2 (January 2021)
Briefing n°3 (February 2021)
Briefing n°4 (March 2021)

The review will take place on Monday 17 May 2021 and will be attended by all participants in the briefings for this 2020-2021 season. The following items are on the agenda: a review of the season, an evaluation of the monthly forecasts, a discussion of the external forcings fostering the initiation of precursors for cyclogenesis, new products to be included in the briefing for the next season and the prospects of the PISSARO project for the development of user-oriented products.

The experiment will resume in a few months with the start of the 2021-2022 season.